• Small Pieces From 2002-06-08 •
Tom, Cory describes his blog as his 'outboard brain'.
Personally, I like the Harry Potter idea of the pensieve - a pool of memories that others can dip into.
Of course, what Harry really needs is Google - 'The Goblet of Fire' would be half the length if he had a usable search engine instead of having to sneak into the restricted section of the library in the middle of the night wearing an invisibility cloak....
Loosely joined by Kevin Marks • 06:38 UTC
• Small Pieces From 2002-06-07 •
[What I posted an hour ago apparently didn't make it through Blogger.com's Random Frustration Synthesizer. Damn. Here's sort of what I think I said:]
I hereby renounce any special standing presumptively accorded me as the author of "We are writing ourselves, etc." It was merely the Muse of Cliches speaking through me. The various hermeneutical exegeses offered in this gang blog outweight whatever I might have had in mind.
As for Steve Y's drive time experience: Isn't this what we all do? We rehearse our day to see how it will sound in the telling? Except now we are all writers and we're telling our stories not to our weary spouses but to friends and strangers. And they're writing back. Isn't what's old about the Web at least as important as what's new?
[And then I said something else. I can't remember what it was, but I do recall thinking that it was staggeringly clever and ineffably profound. Oh well.]
Loosely joined by David • 21:57 UTC
• Small Pieces From 2002-06-06 •
This is slowly turning into a monologue here - wake up!
Loosely joined by Kevin Marks • 07:16 UTC